16 lipca 2024

Seminaria międzysektorowe w programie Erasmus+

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji zaprasza na 3 seminaria międzysektorowe, organizowane w ramach programu Erasmus+ w Estonii i Belgii.

  1. Seminarium Erasmus+ – Green practices in Erasmus+ projects:

Zgłoszenia – do 14.09.2024 roku pod linkiem: https://salto-et.net/events/show/EE01_0655_TSS_2023

FRSE dysponuje 3 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 03.12.2024
Ending date of the event: 05.12.2024
Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Tallin, Estonia

Working language: English
Sectors: School Education (SE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), Adult Education (AE), Higher Education (HE)
Priority: Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)

Themes and goals:

The main goal of the seminar is to increase awareness and understanding of the Erasmus+ horizontal priority “Environment and fight against climate change“.

The seminar will support the participants in understanding the possibilities of carrying out Erasmus+ projects in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. We will tackle the topics of project implementation, travel, and event organisation from the point of view of sustainability, as well as cover other green practices in education. Participants will be able to hear from experts on the subjects, learn from good practice examples and share their own experiences and ideas about implementing Erasmus+ projects in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. The programme will also include a site visit and joint dinners.

This seminar aims to attract and engage Erasmus+ beneficiaries (both Key Action 1 – learning mobility and Key Action 2 – partnerships for cooperation) in all fields of education and training – school education (SCH), vocational education and training (VET), adult education (ADU) and higher education (HED).

Expected results:

As a result of the seminar, we expect the participants to have a better understanding of the Erasmus+ horizontal priority of environment and fight against climate change.

The guest lectures, good practice examples and group discussions should provide the participants with new ideas how to implement their projects in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way.