15 lipca 2024

Seminarium Erasmus+ SE – European political education in schools

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji zaprasza na seminarium, organizowane w ramach programu Erasmus+, sektor Edukacja szkolna.

Zgłoszenia – do 16.09.2024 roku pod linkiem: https://salto-et.net/events/show/AT01_0595_TSS_2023

dysponuje 2 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 27.11.2024
Ending date of the event: 29.11.2024
Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Vienna, Austria

Working language: English
Sector: School Education SCH (SE)
Priority: Participation in democratic life (2021-27)

Themes and goals:

This transnational contact seminar aims to provide guidance on implementing the topic of European political education in schools through KA2 projects in accordance with the programme rules. The contact seminar will offer both theoretical and hands-on knowledge, along with practical experience on how to integrate the topic of Europe into the classroom. This will be achieved using project examples and content-related input on European education in Austria.

Additionally, an overview of the Erasmus+ program and Key Action 2 will be provided, and participants will be encouraged to collect ideas for their own project implementation on the topic of „Europe at School” and develop them further in the group.

The seminar focuses equally on Cooperation and Small-scale Partnerships, taking into consideration their different administrative and reporting requirements, and addressing both newcomers and experienced organizations.

The seminar will include presentations, workshops, school visits, and excursions to key institutions of European politics.

Expected results:

By the end of this contact seminar, participants will have gained deeper understanding of Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ Programme. Furthermore, the participants will have received input on the topic of European political education in school and be equipped with initial project ideas as well as potential project partners.

Number of participants: 40

Profile of participants: Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries


Teachers and staff active in the school education sector and interested in developing ideas for KA2 projects with focus on advancing European political education within educational institutions. Newcomers as well as experienced beneficiaries are welcome.

Warunki uczestnictwa:

Wydarzenie w pełni finansowane ze środków programu Erasmus+. W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział. Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.

Regulamin zwrotu kosztów podróży: Regulamin zwroty kosztów podróży