15 lipca 2024

Seminarium kontaktowe Erasmus+ VET – On-site contact seminar on planning the small-scale partnerships projects

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji zaprasza na seminarium kontaktowe, organizowane w ramach programu Erasmus+, sektor Kształcenia i szkoleń zawodowych.

Zgłoszenia – do 31.08.2024 r. roku pod linkiem: https://salto-et.net/events/show/PL01_0657_TSS_2024

FRSE dysponuje 12 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 28.10.2024
Ending date of the event: 30.10.2024
Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Warsaw, Poland

Working language: English
Sectors: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Priority: Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)

Themes and goals:

Transnational contact seminar in Warsaw (Poland) in Erasmus+ VET with a focus on small scale partnership KA210. The goal of the contact seminar is to support unexperienced applicants in planning good quality projects with impact on VET sector; to find a right partner and build a suitable partnership.  The event is aimed at project coordinators, VET trainers, school heads who would like to organize small scale partnerships and would like to find partners. Our seminar is specifically aimed at VET institutions, active in KA1, who would like to implement a KA2 project.

Expected results:

  •    Exchange and networking of VET institutions;
  •    Increased knowledge of Erasmus+ VET and small-scale partnership, planning the projects steps;
  •    Creation of new partnerships for small scale partnership;
  •    Inspiration for new project ideas and increased motivation and commitment;
  •    Strengthen integration of European contexts in VET partnership projects.

Additional information:

The event is scheduled for 28 -30 October (Monday – Wednesday). The meeting will begin with a morning session on Monday 28 October and end with lunch on Wednesday 30 October. Participants can take advantage of an overnight stay from Sunday to Monday 27/ 28 October. During the seminar, the possibilities of Erasmus+ VET with a special focus on small scale partnership will be developed together in an interactive way. The event includes also a cultural programme.

Important notes:

The Polish NA will cover accommodation for 4 nights in Mercure Warszawa Centrum, Zlota 48/54, (27.10, 28.10, 29.10 and 30.10). Extra nights must be paid separately by participant. The Polish NA will cover all meals and programme costs during the event. We expect 54 participants.

Number of participants: 54

Profile of participants:

The event is aimed at project coordinators, VET trainers, school heads, people working in the VET sector. In particular, we invite project implementers in Action 1 VET who would like to try operating in small-scale partnership projects and gain valuable experience.

Warunki uczestnictwa:

Wydarzenie w pełni finansowane ze środków programu Erasmus+. W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział. Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.

Regulamin zwrotu kosztów podróży