15 lipca 2024

Seminarium Erasmus+ SE – Engaging in job shadowing mobility – how to implement and improve quality

Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji zaprasza na seminarium, organizowane w ramach programu Erasmus+, sektor Edukacja szkolna.

Zgłoszenia – do 29.07.2024 roku pod linkiem: https://salto-et.net/events/show/DK01_0648_TSS_2024

FRSE dysponuje 2 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 16.09.2024
Ending date of the event: 19.09.2024
Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Sønderborg, Denmark

Working language: English
Sector: School Education SCH (SE)
Priority: Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)

Themes and goals:

The main objective of the seminar is to facilitate new contacts and partnerships among SE institutions and organisations offering education and training to learners and staff who would like to engage in and improve their job shadowing mobilites.

The main focus will be on qualifying the impact and results of the job shadowing activities by emphasising the importance of the process that follows by the end of the activity.

The group includes staff in all aspects of the school education sector. The groups will be divided into three age-slots Early Childhood Education and Care AKA ECEC (0-6), primary and secondary education (6-16) and upper secondary education (15-20).

As of the preliminary programme for this TCA, there will be a combination of workshops and institutional visits, where the participant will learn more about how to qualify the job shadowing activities on both research level and as a practitioner.

Expected results:

  • By participating in this TCA, the participants will gain more knowledge about the potentials inherent in job shadowing activities, as well as concrete tools to harness these potentials. This TCA is therefore designed for those of you who work with competency development through job shadowing activities and wish to improve the quality of the outcomes. Experience is not a requirement but curiosity is.

The activities will include:

  •    Getting acquainted
  •    Introduction to job shadowing – what’s the framework of such activity
  •    Qualifying learing outcome from Job Shadowing Activites
  •    Networking activities
  •    Visits to consortia member under the accreditation of the Sønderborg Municipality
  •    Workshops
  •    Social activities

Number of participants: 45

Profile of participants: Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries

School Sector (pedagogues/teachers/international coordinators/leaders)

Warunki uczestnictwa:

Wydarzenie w pełni finansowane ze środków programu Erasmus+. W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział. Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.

Regulamin zwrotu kosztów podróży: Regulamin zwroty kosztów podróży