17 czerwca 2024

Wydarzenie w języku angielskim Opening Windows of Opportunity: establishing learning networks and school partnerships serving migrating children in Europe through international education

Wydarzenie w języku angielskim Opening Windows of Opportunity – establishing learning networks and school partnerships serving migrating children in Europe through international education

Zgłoszenia – do 22.09.2023 roku pod linkiem:


Dysponujemy 3 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 13.11.2024

Ending date of the event: 15.11.2024

Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Hague, Netherlands

Working language: English

Sector: School Education SCH (SE)

Priority: Inclusion & Diversity (2021-27)

Themes and goals:


Primary education (3-12); international baccalaureate; curriculum development; migrants; European/global citizenship; inclusion and diversity; professional development; networking.


Participants will:

  1. gain a deeper understanding of the IB PYP curriculum, particularly for its potential in diverse primary classrooms,
  2. contextualise the IB PYP*  curriculum at local and regional level,
  3. expand their network of like-minded peers across Europe,
  4. draft concrete plans for collaboration in realising potential curriculum adaptations.

* International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme

Expected results:

The ideal outcome of this TCA would be innovative partnerships, who are interested in applying for Erasmus+ funding to pioneer Learning Networks in public schools, particularly in underserved areas.

Number of participants: 80

Profile of participants: Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries

This event is most suitable for primary school (ages 3 – 12) directors and educational policy makers. Other educational professionals in decision making positions with regards to primary education are also welcome to apply.

Participants should be interested in the IB PYP, and be motivated to bring about change in their schools/ institutions. Participants should be eager to actively engage with peers from across Europe on the topics of the TCA. Furthermore, participants should be ready to seriously explore the opportunities that Erasmus+ has to offer in fostering collaboration on these topics. Prior knowledge on the International Baccalaureate is welcome but not required.

Warunki uczestnictwa:

Wydarzenie w pełni finansowane ze środków programu Erasmus+. W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział. Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.

Regulamin zwrotu kosztów podróży: Regulamin zwroty kosztów podróży

Wydarzenie w języku angielskim Opening Windows of Opportunity – establishing learning networks and school partnerships serving migrating children in Europe through international education

Zgłoszenia – do 22.09.2023 roku pod linkiem:


Dysponujemy 3 miejscami na to wydarzenie dla polskich uczestników.

Starting date of the event: 13.11.2024

Ending date of the event: 15.11.2024

Event venue (city, country): Face-to-Face; Hague, Netherlands

Working language: English

Sector: School Education SCH (SE)

Priority: Inclusion & Diversity (2021-27)

Themes and goals:


Primary education (3-12); international baccalaureate; curriculum development; migrants; European/global citizenship; inclusion and diversity; professional development; networking.


Participants will:

  1. gain a deeper understanding of the IB PYP curriculum, particularly for its potential in diverse primary classrooms,
  2. contextualise the IB PYP*  curriculum at local and regional level,
  3. expand their network of like-minded peers across Europe,
  4. draft concrete plans for collaboration in realising potential curriculum adaptations.

* International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme

Expected results:

The ideal outcome of this TCA would be innovative partnerships, who are interested in applying for Erasmus+ funding to pioneer Learning Networks in public schools, particularly in underserved areas.

Number of participants: 80

Profile of participants: Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries

This event is most suitable for primary school (ages 3 – 12) directors and educational policy makers. Other educational professionals in decision making positions with regards to primary education are also welcome to apply.

Participants should be interested in the IB PYP, and be motivated to bring about change in their schools/ institutions. Participants should be eager to actively engage with peers from across Europe on the topics of the TCA. Furthermore, participants should be ready to seriously explore the opportunities that Erasmus+ has to offer in fostering collaboration on these topics. Prior knowledge on the International Baccalaureate is welcome but not required.

Warunki uczestnictwa:

Wydarzenie w pełni finansowane ze środków programu Erasmus+. W szkoleniu mogą wziąć udział osoby pełnoletnie, których profil zawodowy oraz profil instytucji odpowiadają tematyce i celom wydarzenia, a stopień znajomości języka, w którym prowadzone będzie wydarzenie, pozwala na aktywny udział. Obowiązkowe jest uczestnictwo w CAŁOŚCI wydarzania.

Regulamin zwrotu kosztów podróży: Regulamin zwroty kosztów podróży